Monday 25 March 2019

Making Bootable Disk And Formatting of New Disk With DOS

When you want to make use of hard disk or make them readable by computer, and then first do their formatting. FORMAT command is used to do this. By using this command, new track and sectors get created in hard disk, on which computer writes and reads the data.
To format drive, type FORMAT at the command prompt, give a space and type name of the drive to be formatted. It is essential to use colon (:) after disk name.
Suppose you want to do formatting of pen drive placed in I DRIVE DISK, then this command will be .........   Read More

How To Remove Background Of An Image In PS CC

Removing background is a key weapon for editing an image, you should know about two things one Layers and the second one is background. In this PS Tutorial, we will show you how to do that by images and by a video.
1. Open the image you want to remove the........Read More

Some Unique TIips about Health



Stress is the main reason for the effect on health, (killer of health) stress gives birth to all other diseases. The First attack of stress is on stomach and stomach born other many diseases in our body. Try to decrease your stress as much as possible.

 But How ?
1. Conversation
The conversation is one of the best weapons to decrease your stress in quick time, Try to talk others like, your best friend or your boy friend, girl friend or your relatives. A great person has said that by talking, the burden of the mind becomes lighter.
2. Laugh
Laughing is a best medicine to finish your stress in very quick time. Laughing has many other advantages for health.
But how comes laugh ?
Try to watch.......Read More

DOS tutorial about Operating system cold and warm booting

Operating system

Operating system is a system software, which controls the function of computer after establishing a relationship between its hardware and software. The user cannot work on the computer without the knowledge of operating system. The DOS developed by Microsoft Corporation is known MS- DOS. Since it has been developed by Microsoft, therefore Ms (Microsoft) is written before DOS........ Read More


'Boot' means to start. Turning the computer on is called booting. Booting is of two types:

□ Cold Booting

□ Warm Booting

Cold Booting

when you switch on the CPU, then ROM (Read Only Memory) activities a program BIOS (Basic Input Output Services), which is stored in the IC (Integrated Circuit) of the motherboard of the computer. Then BIOS and POST (Power On Self Test) check the RAM (Random Access Memory). After that........Read More