Monday 25 March 2019

DOS tutorial about Operating system cold and warm booting

Operating system

Operating system is a system software, which controls the function of computer after establishing a relationship between its hardware and software. The user cannot work on the computer without the knowledge of operating system. The DOS developed by Microsoft Corporation is known MS- DOS. Since it has been developed by Microsoft, therefore Ms (Microsoft) is written before DOS........ Read More


'Boot' means to start. Turning the computer on is called booting. Booting is of two types:

□ Cold Booting

□ Warm Booting

Cold Booting

when you switch on the CPU, then ROM (Read Only Memory) activities a program BIOS (Basic Input Output Services), which is stored in the IC (Integrated Circuit) of the motherboard of the computer. Then BIOS and POST (Power On Self Test) check the RAM (Random Access Memory). After that........Read More

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